Revisiting Vein damage that can happen with Ozone DIV:
After studying the many posts found on Facebook, particularly at the OZONE FOR HEALTH group by those that do Ozone DIV, perhaps the most limiting side-effect to this procedure is vein health. It seems to me that one of the main culprits of Ozone DIV phlebitis is the result of the all too human condition of if a little is good, more is better! It appears to me most patients that have major vein problems are doing very intensive infusion sessions over long periods of time. Some I have heard have done 200 or more before their veins finally gave way! Give me a break! I have always felt, if one does not see a significant improvement in 1-2 weeks, one better reevaluate the protocol! Also, the technique of pulsing is always a very good plan to follow in most all protocols. Of course, there may be exceptions, but all too often a protocol is over-done for various reasons. Perhaps, one does not want to give up on the slight incremental success results one sees or more insidiously, one is coupled with a practitioner that wants to milk the patient out of more and more money.
I have found that if one uses common sense about the number of infusions given to a patient with the hope of improvement, uses excellent technique in placement of needle, uses the syringe pump (only a machine can duplicate exact low constant infusion rates), and religiously apply post-infusion healing modalities--DIV phlebitis is a rare result.
Vein health needs to be seriously considered and protected against with too many practitioners only worrying about vein damage once it appears. Prevention is always worth a pound of "cure" and as Dr. Ellingwood writes, it is probably present and overlooked many times in its subacute form! It would be a very good practice to immediately apply various healing modalities once the butterfly needle has been withdrawn on a routine basis! Do not wait till you actually feel and see damage! This could be as simple as applying topically, only DMSO to the site or more complex with heating pad & castor oil flannel pack or various DMSO paints consisting of comfrey and other healing herbs. Dr. Rowen suggests the use of castor oil packs, an old Edgar Casey remedy. Casey writes of his wife being plagued with thrombophlebitis of the left great saphenous in her leg. "Treatment in this case was: (1) light, high-vitamin diet with forced fluids; (2) castor oil pack over the affected area held in place with Ace bandage; (3) increased vitamin intake (probably not necessary if #1 is followed); and (4) the healing hands of a friend. Her response was quite remarkable, as in some of our prior experiences with superficial thrombophlebitis. The pack was applied during the day on the first and second day. By the time 24 hours had passed, there was no redness, no pain, and only a faint residual of tenderness. In 36 hours, there were no remaining symptoms or abnormal findings; the patient was well; there was no recurrence." I would suggest similar routine use of castor oil after all DIV sessions.
The famed herbalist, Dr. John Christopher's BF&C formula. should be of value in phlebitis as well. It has regenerated many bone, flesh, cartilage injuries thought to be incurable:
1) Comfrey root.......................6 parts
2) Oak bark............................6 parts
3) Gravel root..........................3 parts
4) Mullein...............................3 parts
5) Lobelia...............................1 part
6) Wormwood.........................2 parts
7) Marshmallow root................3 parts
8) scullcap..............................1 part
9) Black Walnut bark...............3 parts (this should be eliminated in equine formulas)
This should be taken internally as well as applied topically. A cheesecloth compress can be soaked and applied to the injured part. Then wrap with plastic and wrap with an ace bandage.
I have long used DMSO and find DMSO extracted herbal compounds to be an excellent way to combine the attributes of DMSO with the healing properties of a number of herbs with some examples: comfrey, oak bark, st. john's wort, horse chestnut, witch hazel.
A very interesting Study:
Effect of External Use of Sesame Oil in the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Phlebitis
Iran J Pharm Res. 2012 Autumn; 11(4): 1065-1071
This study conducted to determine the effect of external use of Sesame Oil (SO) in the prevention of Phlebitis.
Sixty patients with colon or rectum cancer, who admitted for chemotherapeutic management, enrolled in clinical trial and were randomly divided into two equal groups: Control and Intervention. Ten drops of sesame oil was applied twice a day for 14 days externally in intervention group, whereas the control group received nothing. Incidence and grade of Phlebitis was measured in both groups. Data was analyzed through independent t-test, Χ2, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney, and Lagrange survival using SPSS 16.
The incidence of Phlebitis was 10% and 80% in intervention group and control group, respectively. There was a significant difference between two groups (p < 0.05). Phlebitis was 8 times more frequent in control group (R R = 8; AR R = 70%). In addition, there was statistically significant difference between the grade and incidence of Phlebitis with sesame oil and control group (p < 0.05).
According to these results, it seems that external use of sesame oil is effective, safe and well-tolerated for prophylaxis from Phlebitis. Therefore, it can be suggested as a selected prevention method for reducing the complication.
NOTE: That sesame oil and flaxseed oil are very similar and in my view could easily be exchanged with the same benefits!
Aloe Vera for prevention and treatment of infusion phlebitis.
Zheng GH1, Yang L, Chen HY, Chu JF, Mei L.
BACKGROUND: Up to 80% of hospitalized patients receive intravenous therapy at some point during their admission. About 20% to 70% of patients receiving intravenous therapy develop phlebitis. Infusion phlebitis has become one of the most common complications in patients with intravenous therapy. However, the effects of routine treatments such as external application of 75% alcohol or 50% to 75% magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) are unsatisfactory. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new methods to prevent and alleviate infusion phlebitis.
OBJECTIVES: To systematically assess the effects of external application of Aloe Vera for the prevention and treatment of infusion phlebitis associated with the presence of an intravenous access device.
RESULT: Aloe Vera, either alone or in combination with routine treatment, was more effective than routine treatment alone for improving the symptoms of phlebitis including shortening the time of elimination of red swelling symptoms, time of pain relief at the location of the infusion vein and time of resolution of phlebitis. Other secondary outcomes including health-related quality of life and adverse effects were not reported in the included studies.
Finley Ellingwood, MD. wrote a very interesting treatise on phlebitis in his 1908 text:
"An inflammation of any portion of the structure of a vein which results in changes in the coats of the vessel, is denominated phlebitis.
The disease occurs as a complication of other conditions, and is not always diagnosed as an independent condition. In fact in many chronic cases it is not recognized at all, and while it contributes very materially to the prolongation of the disease, as a separate and distinct condition it receives no treatment. This at times becomes a serious error.
The disease may be either acute or subacute. A chronic form is not always recognized, as in this form structural changes are apt to produce obliteration of the lumen of the vessel, and result in conditions, that are otherwise recognized.
When the disease involves the inner lining of the vein only, it is called endo-phlebitis and was quite common in those days when blood letting was constantly resorted to as an antiphlogistic measure. The inflammation in these cases began at the point of injection site of the vein, and extended to the neighboring parts.
The symptoms are those of pain in the injured parts, soon followed by a knotty feeling, with a tense and painful cord-like condition, which follows the course of the vessel. There may be a chill with more or less fever and a greater or less degree of nervous symptoms. There is discoloration of the skin and an acute edema below the obstruction. There may be rapid and irritable pulse, dry brown tongue, dry skin, constipation, anorexia, and if pyemia develops there will be pain in the joints. Later the skin may become white, shiny, stretched and very hard. This condition like other inflammations may terminate by resolution, by suppuration, ulceration or gangrene. Occasionally the vessel becomes immediately occluded, a clot forms, and permanent obliteration results, the clot and veins ultimately contracting, to form a firm cord which is known as adhesive phlebitis. When this disease follows a septic traumatism it is apt to become dangerous, leading to direct blood infection and pyemia.
When this inflammation develops more gradually, as in the subacute forms, it is not dangerous. It is usually induced by previous disease of the coats of the vein, which have resulted in thickening, and in a deposit of fibrinous matter. The vein may be occluded and in the occluded structures an abscess may form which should be opened as an ordinary abscess.
In the treatment of these cases the specific indications for some of our remedies are so plainly marked that these remedies would be selected at once by a specific prescriber and the best of results follow. The local aching, and severe pain in the surrounding muscular structures, immediately suggest Black Cohosh. The aconite pulse is nearly always present with the fever, but occasionally indications for gelsemium are plainly apparent. Bryonia can be used in this disease, also, with a prompt response to its influence. In the subacute cases, collinsonia or witch hazel are most desirable remedies. Where the indications are not plainly pronounced, I have used gelsemium. and black cohosh as routine treatment.
Local measures contribute materially to the cure, whatever the variety of the disease, if it be near the surface. If in a limb, as in the crural form, the limb should be elevated, and should be thoroughly bathed with hot salt water, after which I usually apply a simple liniment at first, which consists of one part of ammonia, and four or five parts of olive oil. This should be applied very freely and the limb enveloped in cotton, the whole held in place by a loose roller. It should be dressed at least twice a day. In other cases the application. of witch hazel frequently is of much benefit. Occasionally gauze may be saturated with witch hazel and applied to the parts for hours at a time, the limb being kept very warm. This is especially valuable when the local aching and pain are very hard to bear."
Dr. Rowen had this to say about DIV which he only uses occasionaly since concentrating on the new OHT (10 pass) technique :
"Because if I happen to stick myself with a contaminated needle (as has happened 4 times in nearly 30 years of ozone), I go right to my machine and mainline 40 cc of gas. I repeat it several hours later."
Vein Health:
". . . patient should have good veins and rotate through them. Otherwise, treatment will be compromised. Success rate heavily depends on this. Taking care of veins is the most valuable asset and that includes the process of carefully poking it every time."
". . . superhydrate your body 48 hours before doing DIV."
"If the skin at the injection site starts to rise, a very good indication your needle is not in the vein."
Pumping hand into a fist is a good way to dilate veins before injection.
Heat can be used to engorge veins before injection.
Avoid sticking the butterfly needle into the valves of veins. There are YouTube videos showing how to detect vein valves before injection.
Castor Oil packs can be used for vein damage.
"This (Blood leaking and brusing) will happen with wrist and ankle veins more readily than with other veins. They may be protruding more but tend to get quickly inflamed and collapse."
"For small veins-drink 1 L of water before the IV, then have her dangle her arm to the side while pumping the wrist. Then you put on the tourniquette while she still pumps the wrist. This makes most veins come out nicely. But if they use a large needle, it could get tricky."
Rules I use to preserve vein health: rules that I follow: " 1) superhydrate and max out Vit C (and Rutin) the day before and day of a DIV session 2) Give each puncture site at least a 7 day's rest 3) Monitor the veins. If a vein starts to feel a little bit harder or lumpy, avoid it until it heals and softens up again. 4) f the veins are very intolerant, try lowering the dose to 35 gamma. 5) use 27G butterfly needles (I like Terumo's because they are short). Do not re-use needles and discard any needle with 3 failed venipuncture attempts (microscopic damage can lead to emboli). 6) make sure the equipment is medical grade and that proper sterile products and safe venipuncture procedures are used 7) f I feel ANY burning while doing DIV, immediately stop, no matter how desperately I need the ozone (I made this mistake). This is inflammation in the vein which will scar and eventually collapse. 8) Only do a DIV from the mid-forearm on up to the elbows. Avoid the hand, wrist, feet, ankle, etc. These sites have a far, far greater risk of scarring and collapsing from ozone."
One ozone professional was asked if he has observed the occurrence of phlebitis with higher gamma? reply: "None in three years of practice. The secret may be slow infusion I believe."
An ozone vet said this: "In animal patients I inject ozone IV then put a pressure-wrap on the leg. That seems to prevent phlebitis. I tried it on myself and didn't get a bruise but this last time I forgot and just used a Band-Aid, no pressure wrap."
From a health professional that does his own: "Then I drove to my clinic intent on a DIV treatment. First filled my water bottle. Then filled the 60cc ozone-resistant syringe. I could feel the vein and see the vein, But somehow I lost it with the butterfly. Then felt the horrific pain that comes from ozone under the skin but outside the vein. So I quit the ozone. Later that day I had crepitus along my arm. The skin felt like bubble wrap. It passed. But tells me I should stop IV ozone for a while."
". . . ozone therapy is not a magic pill, it should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and other therapies if your illness is chronic."
In reference to single and double ozone cell generators: "Single vs double: From 70 to 110 gamma. If you need to reach around 60 to 70 gamma, perhaps you may think that you don't need the dual, but reality is that almost all pediatric oxygen regulators are terrible getting 1/32 LPM. To tell you the truth, even to get exactly 1/16 LPM is 95% of the time not accurate. So it is easier to stay at the 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 LPM with the dual. Having said that, what I prefer about the single is the more easier curve of concentration from dial setting 1 to 8. This means concentration increases in smaller increments and that is helpful when starting a new therapy and slowly increasing concentration while maintaining speed in LPM."
Oral Vitamin C is good to counteract ozone induced tightness of chest and other side-effects.
Severe damage with glutathione IV can occur with mercury toxic people- do not do allow glutathion IV with amalgams. One should test for mercury. "The porphyrins urine test is apparently an FDA approved test for mercury toxicity, especially the one which tests for coproporphyrins. So if the test turns positive, it means that mercury toxicity is present. But if the test turns negative, it does not exclude mercury toxicity since a mishandling of the urine samples can lead to a false negative result. And this apparently is not uncommon." Mercury is often a major hurdle towards health and often the reason why ozone therapy does not work as intended. "Ozone will deplete glutathione levels, but increase glutathione dependent enzymes like glutathione reductase, transferase and peroxidase, and other antioxidant enzymes like superoxide oxidase. All in all, the administration of ozone does NOT seem to significantly increase overall antioxidant activity."
"Ozone is THE creator of Herxheimer reactions per excellence. It is the king of all Herxheimer inducing kings. This is the most important thing to know about ozone: you will get sick before you get better. You can take that to the bank."
"When ozone is used intravenously, it has been shown that red blood cells can be damaged if the ozone concentration is above 70 ug/ml."
Experiencing of heart palpitations numerous times after various types of ozone treatments. "It is unlikely that it has to do with inflammation of the heart. After my recent experience with oxalates and ozone I have reason to believe that this more due to oxalates dumping which can be triggered by ozone. If the heart palpitations are due to oxalates, they can be also brought on by magnesium supplements or simply drastically reducing one's oxalates intake through food. Magnesium citrate (also other magnesium types, but citrate more so than others) can trigger oxalate dumping which can lead to palpitations. Or reducing one's oxalate intake dramatically. Yes, I've also experienced various lung sensations including coughing and coughing out phlegm or just dry coughing for no apparent reason. Oxalate can also leave the body through lungs."
"I find Robins' protocol of using concentrations of 55mcg/ml excessive and unnecessary, unless it is used for the treatment of varicose veins."
"Remember ozone once injected immediately form peroxides and any irritation to the veins are at the site of and not distally in heart muscle."
"Ozone bagging should take care of any type of infection or inflammation including cellulitis. Make sure the skin is moist and choose a high concentration of 70 to 100 mcg/ml. Do it daily."
"Oh gosh, guys! I saw my ND today. I've asked in the past if she could inject my inflamed frozen shoulder with ozone. She's had no training in joint injections so she declined. But today she ask me how I've done it at home. I told her I just put in 0.5cc total subcutaneously around the shoulder area, only penetrating about 1/4 to 3/8" deep...very superficial. She asked if I wanted her to try it. YES, OF COURSE!! Soooo, she injected about 1 cc of 36 gama in each of four sites around my shoulder. The needle penetrated only about 5/8" on my skinny shoulder. It really burned at first and my skin sorta ballooned up a bit, but about 15 minutes later, it felt great & I had about 20% better range of motion. By the time I got home, there was ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN in that shoulder for the first time in I-don't-know-how long.....maybe a year! Whoo hoo!"
From Dr. Gallardo: " Here is one and easiest point to inject the shoulder. Typical shoulder size is 100 to 140mm so using from 27Gx50mm to 27Gx75mm is recommended depending on the size. We use Japanese needles in ours premises for all infiltration stuff. You should inject 15 to 30cc to fully cover the shoulder. One to two sessions per week. 10 to 15 gamma. Again, it is not recommended do this by ourselves, I'm showing this schematics to give you the idea on how should be done by a professional as photos are suggesting. Also, the sterilization of the area and the sterile whole process is important. There are four main points to enter to the center of shoulder anatomy. We pick one and then inject ozone that will cover the whole shoulder. Probably if the pain is more in the back part, we choose a point in the back. The same for front. But we evaluate each session. We use procaine first, then ozone."
"We gave our dog, Major Autohemotherapy Ozone Treatment by a vet for over a year. He had Cushings Disease. He was barely able to do anything. We would take him in for his treatment and he came out wagging his tail like he was a puppy and full of life. It is just amazing!!"
From a vet: "I've had several cases of siezuring dogs that I treated with DIV ozone. And didn't need to see them again for more siezures."
" I know 10 pass is the craze now, but I have issues with using suction to remove the blood and pressure to push it back in. I think there are too many possible side effects. I read about DIV and it seemed safer, even though it is not supported by most Ozone docs. I was so afraid to do the DIV Ozone. I am a doctor and was well trained to the dangers of injecting air into your veins. I read everything I could find and talked to several of my peers who are also Ozone docs. I finally got the nerve but I had my wife nearby in case I had an issue. I flushed the 23g butterfly with a little Ozone in the syringe (about 1/2-1cc). Stuck the saphenous vein in my leg. I used an app on my phone called Interval Trainer and injected 1 cc per 20 seconds. I injected 22cc's at 48 gamma. I had a little cough that passed after about 30 minutes. I have injected myself 9 times and my wife 8. We both got the flu a few weeks ago and I was over it in 24 hours, she was over it in 64. We feel more energized after being Ozonated."
Paolo: "People react differently to different treatments. There is no absolute answer to the question which ozone application is better. It depends on the patient. 10 pass vs DIV: I don't think one can determine the efficacy through math alone. Yes, 10 pass uses an unprecedented amount of ozone, but something happens during DIV which does not seem to happen during 10 passes or MAH which has an added effect. I don't think we know what it is. But I have seen patients respond better to 50 cc of ozone via DIV than to 16 times that amount of ozone via multipass MAH or 10 pass. The main problem that I see here are the claims of doctors, saying things like "2 weeks of 10 passes will cure your Lyme" or "You need at least X number of applications" or "You need to use a specific ozone concentration otherwise it's useless". Those are all guesses. Some completely ingenuous. No one can predict how you will react to ozone, or IF it will help you at all. You need to try it out and see for yourself."
From TJ: When injecting ozone today (DIV) I had something I haven't experienced before. The first vein I was using shortly after getting the needle in, was a sharp burning pain. So I took the needle out and when I did, no blood came out. Then when I feel that spot on the vein, it feels hard. Any idea what that was or what happened?
Paolo: You didn't inject a vein but the surrounding tissue - that is what caused the sharp burning pain. When ozone gets into tissue instead of the vein it burns like a mofo. This is why no blood came out when you pulled it out. The hardening is because some phlebitis may have happened from the vein being exposed to the ozone from the outside. Or there is an internal blood clot. I assume when you inserted the needle there was no blood flashback in the butterfly? In any case: nothing happened to be concerned about. It's just part of the learning process.
Keep calm and keep going.
From a Dr. Rowen post:
"I am writing just to share DIV Saved ME from Emergency Care for COVID 19. I was rescued by DIV by myself in my time of attack that I believe 100 percent is COVID19. I had near every symptom and went into distress at home to the point I had family rush to get an adult regulator and extra oxygen tank for breathing. I have an oxygen script for my Ozone.
That same day I pulled out my DIV supplies from the past and shot up the Ozone and WOW IT SAVED MY LIFE> !!!! Instantly in Minutes I could breath!!! Within Hours the massive inflammation started calming. I was very sick and about to call 911 because I couldn't get enough oxygen and so massively inflamed and lungs were in massive pain along with rest of the body and rest of the symptoms. HORRID. I will get the antibody test once its available and am willing to share my story with you if it would help get the attention of the medical community to help others. BLESS YOU. STAY SAFE !! I have followed you for years and done tons of OZONE . Though not immune to this Virus attack.! For the VIRAL INFECTION Attacking the LUNGS and going into distress
DIV IS A MIRACLE. Its taking time for other things to calm down and I also added 5 days of a med combo because I have immune deficiency and ME/CFIDS and a long term Lyme Patient which just makes my immunity compromised. But I am MUCH Better and DiD a few days in a row DIV and now every few days DIV as this Virus is pretty strong. Veins only handle so much so after a few days skip some days. I am much better now! I still have some inflammation to calm and I seem to have gotten some joint damage from the massive attack to rehab.